12 March 2008

iPhone Unlocking

Since Monday, I have been busy working with my iPhone. I decided to upgrade my firmware from 1.1.1 to the newer 1.1.3. With the existing of ZiPhone unlocking software, it really makes the unlocking work a piece of cake. I have been hesitating for the upgrade for quite a while as my 1.1.1 version was stable. Anyway, my boss and colleagues who had just went to America, also bought back many 1.1.3 OTB iPhone. As I always was a point to ask when they have IT problem, I decided to upgrade my phone so that I can talk the same language with them.

The process begins with upgrading the firmware to a new 1.1.3 version using the downloaded file. I had prepared my PC to have .net framework and the ZiPhone 2.5C. After upgrading, I then run ZiPhone with option to "Do it All". That's it. My iPhone is unlocked and are cable to run AIS GSM services.

Another day is spent resuming all software and settings to bring it back to the prior state before the upgrade. I found a lot of obstacles as the newer version is not fully backward compatible with the older ones.

Finally I managed to have all software and services back to normal. There are many steps and add-on runtime-based software to run. I have to thanks to all the iPhone user communities that really help supporting on these issues. The power of people are unbelievable. Who would think a small anonymous talents out there could change the close system like this.

Now I can enjoy a wider range of software that are available for the phone like never before.