18 December 2007

The World is Flat

Last weekend, my friend's company organized a staff seminar. I was asked to give a speech for an hour at Huahin. I decided to tell all those youngsters the story from the book that I had just recently read. I was written by Thomas Friedman with th ebest seller title "The World is Flat."

The story is really enjoyable to read. The reference cases inside the book was under my trail all the time. So I enjoyed telling the story, plus the knowledge I had known before was used to make the story more enjoyable.

The audience was laughing all the time and participated in answering the questions. It made my little one hour to be a very enjoyable.

At the end, I hope the younsters understand and see clearer picture where our world, especially with IT driven steroids, are heading into. It can sparkle them of what new invention and paradigm may brings and may even inspire them of what their power is adn their boundary is limitless.